Position Statement: Applying Circular Economy Principles to the Procurement and Use of Operating Room Medical Devices and Supplies

We are pleased to share an important position statement regarding our endorsement of applying the principles of the circular economy to the procurement and use of operating room medical devices and supplies.

Please view this PDF of the statement that you can print or share electronically in your hospital, meetings, discussions and other interactions.

The statement was researched and written by our Environmental Sustainability Working Group. Its members are hopeful that this document will serve to create conversations and solutions with major stakeholders in Ontario about why the circular economy model should be applied across the health-care system, including anesthesia services.

The world is facing a climate crisis that is already impacting our lives. While the reasons behind the climate crisis are varied, the health-care system is playing a role. In Canada, it contributes nearly 5% of our country’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, in addition to generating some 200,000 tonnes of other pollutants.

One way to reduce these figures is to implement circular economy principles in the procurement and use of medical devices and supplies. With between 60-80% of health-care-related GHG emissions originating in the supply chain, applying a model that maximizes resource productivity while minimizing waste can have a big impact on GHG emissions, as well as potentially save hospital system dollars. 

As the Statement notes, “Health care must move towards a circular economy model where medical devices and supplies are maintained and reused in a high-quality state for as long as possible and then refurbished, repurposed or recycled.”

The OA Executive strongly believes that we have a professional responsibility to the community we serve, a responsibility that extends to being both environmentally and financially accountable to our patient communities. We are committed to being a part of the solution by helping to develop viable practices for greening anesthesia care and the health-care system in general in Ontario. It is clear from the work the ESWG has done that applying the principles of the circular economy to the health-care system is one of those solutions. 

We encourage you to share this statement with your hospital administrators and join our advocacy efforts by sharing our posts on social media.