Physician Leadership Resources
Canadian Society of Physician Leaders
The CSPL is the “go to” organization for physician leaders. Since 1998, it has been providing support and development opportunities for Canadian physicians to help them succeed in their leadership and management roles in health care.
The CPSO has compiled a selection of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and practice improvement resources to support your learning.
Ontario’s Anesthesiologists – Anesthesia Chiefs’ Resource Hub
With the help of Ontario’s Anesthesiologists’ Leadership Development Working Group, we developed an online resource centre for Ontario Chiefs of Anesthesia.
Ontario Hospital Association - Learning and Engagement
The demands on the people who work in Ontario’s hospitals and across our health-care system have never been greater. The OHA is committed to providing its members and their partners with relevant and high-impact learning and engagement opportunities.
Ontario Medical Association - Physician Leadership Learning Hub
Free virtual courses are available exclusively for OMA members on OMA Learns to expand your leadership knowledge and provide foundational information about the OMA.