Beyond the Mask Interview

A Conversation with Dr. Saroo Sharda on AntiRacism

Dr. Saroo Sharda, an Assistant Clinical Professor at McMaster University who practices at Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, continually goes Beyond the Mask. Last year, Dr. Sharda became the Chair of the Physician Wellness Committee at the Canadian Anesthesiologists’ Society. She is also a leading physician voice on anti-racism and Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, recently becoming the inaugural EDI Lead at the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario where she works as a Medical Advisor (follow her on twitter @SarooSharda_MD). Along with Drs Aruna Dhara and Fahad Alam, she co-authored an article in the STATE DATE CMAJ titled: "Not neutral: reimagining antiracism as a professional competence.” Listen to the interview below as Dr. Sharda joins us to discuss her antiracism advocacy work: