Member Benefits

Our vision is to position anesthesiologists as leading partners, delivering the highest standard of innovative, safe, and sustainable patient care. Much has been accomplished over the years, yet there remain critical issues to be addressed including scope of practice threats, human resource challenges, sub-optimal working conditions, burn-out and compensation uncertainties. Your support, through your active involvement and annual Ontario’s Anesthesiologists Section membership, will help determine how effectively we can represent you and how much we are able to plan and accomplish on your behalf.

When you receive your annual membership renewal notice from the OMA or at any time throughout the yearwe invite you to begin or renew your membership in your Section: Ontario’s Anesthesiologists. Your support allows us to provide the following valuable benefits.

Strengthen Our Collective Voice

Your support as a member helps us increase understanding of the role anesthesiologists play in patient care and aids us in engaging with health system stakeholders to promote safe and timely care.

Thought Leadership

One of our goals is to work on solutions for some of our health-care system’s biggest challenges and to support our members who are engaging with this goal. We call this going “Beyond the Mask” and we believe that it demonstrates the value our specialty brings to medicine. 

Patient Care

Your membership helps us play an active role in fighting the opioid epidemic, through the development of, the Perioperative Pain Management Pathway.

Strong Representation for Negotiations

We continuously work to ensure anesthesiologists have the best possible outcome from negotiations during Physician Service Agreements.

Get Involved

Expand your network and share your skills as a Section volunteer, while advocating for and representing the interests of Ontario’s Anesthesiologists. Your participation will help strengthen the leadership role of anesthesiologists in the health system.

Keep Connected

We strive to keep you engaged and informed by sharing relevant updates through multiple channels including email and social media. See some of our communications here. You can also connect with us at any time:

Leadership Development

Your membership helps us provide valuable resources and professional development opportunities. Paid members receive a 20% discount on registration for our annual Ontario Anesthesia Meeting and Conference Weekend.

Celebrating our Members

You, our membership, is the reason for our Section so we proudly celebrate our members’ accomplishments on our social media channels and in our communications and advocacy work. Please be sure to share your or your colleague’s accomplishments here.