
Smokers’ Helpline

Smokers’ Helpline is a free, confidential service that offers evidence-based support, advice and information about quitting smoking, vaping and tobacco use.

Help by Phone

Callers are connected to a Smokers’ Helpline Quit Coach, who will work with you one-on-one to help create a quit plan that works for you. Phone support in Ontario is provided by Telehealth Ontario Care Coaches at 1-866-797-0000.

Online Quit Program is your 24/7 touchpoint for getting and staying smoke-free. Registering at gives you access to:

  • your own personal Quit Plan to complete as you prepare to quit, and to reference as you go smoke-free

  • your personal quit calculator

  • a community of quitters and Quit Coaches

  • e-mail with content and motivations tailored to your quit date

  • easy registration for all of Smokers’ Helpline’s services

And anyone can access One Step at a Time self-help materials.

Text Message Support

Receive support on the go while quitting smoking and/or vaping with evidence-based, supportive text messages customized to your quit date. Text iQuit to 123456 to register.

Canadian Anesthesiologists’ Society

Canada’s anesthesiologists are highly trained and are dedicated to ensuring your surgery goes well. Read information from the Canadian Anesthesiologists’ Society on the importance of staying smoke free before surgery.

American Society of Anesthesiologists

If you smoke and are having surgery, the American Society of Anesthesiologists recommends that you quit smoking as soon as possible before the procedure.

Addiction Group

Addiction Group is an informational web guide created for people struggling with substance use disorders (SUD), alcohol use disorders (AUD), and co-occurring mental health disorders.

Tobacco Use Disorder:

The Relationship Between Addiction and Emphysema: